Advocating for public awareness on behalf of youth
Who is Take Our Daughters And Sons to Work® Foundation?
The Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Foundation, a 501 (C)(3) non-profit agency established to build diversity in the workplace, raise public awareness of children’s issues and provide adults with pro-active strategies to help girls and boys remain resilient, especially in the world of work. Through its leadership, expertise and collaborations, the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Foundation advocates for changes in social policy and public awareness on behalf of youth. Since 1993, on the fourth Thursday in April, more than 40 million youth and adults in over 4 million workplaces around the world have participated in the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work program. We are requesting sponsorship to provide the educator training materials, activity guides, website management and publicity needed to offer children around the globe an experience that emphasizes the value of their education, helps them discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life, and provides them an opportunity to share how they envision the future among peers.
Investing in the Future of Our Children
The Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work programs help youth maintain a positive and healthy self-image, helps them raise their future aspiration and helps them overcome societal barriers in order to reach their full potential. Through our program, we are able to connect children to employers for a real world work experience–outreach also includes historically disenfranchised students such as foster children, youth at high-risk of dropping out of school or youth who may not have a parent or guardian whose job will allow them to bring children to work. Our program is inclusive. It has always been intended as a springboard for creating a dialogue in communities and workplaces that will redefine the value system which govern life in the workplace.